Leyuan Fang is the Yuelu Scholar Distinguished Professor at Hunan University, PhD supervisor, National Award Winner, Highly Cited Scientist at Clarivate Analytics, Leading talents in science and technology innovation in Hunan Province, Chair of the department of Automation, AND IEEE Senior Member. His research interests include computer vision, machine learning, remote sensing and medical image reconstruction and analysis. He has been appointed as the Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, and Neurocomputing. His research results have been published in more than 130 international authoritative journals and conferences. More than 90 papers were published in SCI journals (IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 60 papers), about 30 IEEE CVPR, ICIP and other international authoritative conference papers, with over 9300 times citations in Google Scholar, 20 ESI highly cited papers (1%), 4 ESI hot papers (0.1%). He have won the second prize of National Natural Science award (ranked second) and First Prize of Natural Science of Hunan Province (2nd and 3rd), Excellent Doctoral Thesis of Hunan Province, Best Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, etc.
方乐缘,湖南大学岳麓学者特聘教授,博士生导师,国家优青,科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)全球“高被引科学家”,湖南省科技创新领军人才,自动化系系主任,IEEE Senior Member。主要从事计算机视觉、机器学习、遥感与医学图像重建和分析等方向研究。担任IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology、Neurocomputing等机器学习与计算机视觉领域国际知名期刊编委(Associate Editor)。研究成果在国际权威期刊和会议发表论文130余篇,其中SCI期刊发表论文90余篇(IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing等本领域顶级IEEE会刊论文60篇),IEEE CVPR、ICIP等国际权威会议论文30余篇,Google scholar引用超过9300次,ESI高被引(1%)20篇,ESI热点论文(0.1%)4篇,获国家自然科学二等奖一项(排名第二),湖南省自然科学一等奖(排名第二和排名第三)、湖南省优秀博士论文、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing最佳审稿人等奖项。近年来,主持了国家优青、国家重点研发课题、湖南省重点研发等项目。
Research Interesting
Deep Learning, Image Restoration, Scene Image Classification, High Resolution Image Semantic Segmentation, Hyperspectral Image Classification, and Medical Image Restoration and Analysis
Work Experience
Work Experience
Chair of the Department of Automation
Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
Associate Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
Assistant Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
Postdoc in Biomedical Engineering, Duke University
Ph.D student in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University Supervisor: Prof. Shutao Li (IEEE Fellow)
Visiting Ph.D student in the Department of Ophthalmology, Duke Eye Center, Duke University Supervisor: Prof. Sina Farsiu (IEEE Fellow)
B.E. in Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology
Associate Editors
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology
Sensing and Imaing
National Natural Science Award (Second Prize)
Natural Science Award of Hunan Province (First Prize)
National Excellent Scholarship Award Research on the Image Reconstruction and Analysis (PI) Granted by Natural Science Foundation of China
Research on Deep Learning for Multiple Lesion Detection in Optical Coherence Tomography Images (PI) Granted by Natural Science Foundation of China
Research on Three-Dimensional Structural Compressive Sensing for Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging (PI) Granted by Natural Science Foundation of China
Best Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
New Academic Artist Award, Granted by Ministry of Education, China
Work Experience
2020.01-Present Chair of the Department of Automation
2019.11-Present Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
2017.01-2019.10 Associate Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
2013.06-2016.12 Assistant Professor in College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University
2016.08-2018.09 Postdoc in Biomedical Engineering, Duke University